sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

Benjamin Franklin

Há algum tempo eu postei aqui que não havia achado o tal painel no blog que a teacher Vivi havia falado. Nem me dei conta de que podia tê-lo achado entrando no perfil da Vivi. No fim, mais uma vez, foi o Vitinho que achou e me mandou o link do blog que é " Este Blog é dedicado a todos os estudante de Língua Inglesa e Portuguesa ", como ela mesma cita.
E um dos posts dizia que era especialmente para alunos da " Escola Técnica da Fundação Getúlio Vargas ", creio eu que a teacher estava se referindo à nós, alunos da Etec Getúlio Vargas. Então vamos nos regojizar:

Benjamin Franklin

Representing Pennsylvania at the Continental Congress
by Ole Erekson, Engraver, c1876, Library of Congress
January 17, 1706
Boston, Ma.
Self-taught, apprenticed as a printer. Honorary Doctor of Laws, Universities of Edinburgh and Oxford.
Printer, Publisher, Scientist. Clerk of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1736; Founded the Library Company of Philadelphia, 1731; Postmaster of Philadelphia, 1737-1753; Member of Pennsylvania Assembly, 1751-1764; Deputy Postmaster general of the British colonies in America, 1753; Founded Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia, 1753; Agent to Europe for Pennsylvania, 1757-1762, for Pennsylvania, Georgia, New Jersey, Massachusetts, 1764-1775; Elected to Continental Congress, 1775; Testified before Parliament concerning the Stamp Act, 1776; Postmaster General of the united colonies, 1775; Commissioner to the French Court, 1776; Minister plenipotentiary to the French Court, 1779; Negotiator in and Member of the Treaties with Gr.-Britain, 1781-1783; Member of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, President of Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery, 1785; Senior member of the Constitutional Convention, 1787.
April 17, 1790
Benjamin Franklin, born in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 17, 1706, may by his life alone be the most profound statement of what an American strives to be.
With no formal education beyond the age of 10 years, Franklin was celebrated throughout Europe, welcomed in any Royal Court, sought out by every prestigious society. Indeed, when the reputations of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had yet to be sorted out, Franklin was worshipped wherever his name was known.
He attended grammar school at age eight, but was put to work at ten. He apprenticed as a printer to his brother James, who printed the New England Courant, at age twelve, and published his first article there, anonymously, in 1721. Young Benjamin was an avid reader, inquisitive and skeptical. Through his satirical articles, he poked fun at the people of Boston and soon wore out his welcome, both with his brother and with the city. He ran away to New York and then on to Philadelphia at the age of 16, looking for work as a printer. He managed a commission to Europe for the purpose of buying supplies to establish a new printing house in Philadelphia, but found himself abandoned when he stepped off ship. Through hard work and frugality he bought his fare back to Philadelphia in 1732 and set up shop as a printer. He was appointed clerk of the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1736, and as Postmaster the following year. In 1741 he began publishing Poor Richard's Almanac, a very popular and influential magazine. He was elected to the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1751 and served as an agent for Pennsylvania (and ultimately for three other colonies) to England, France, and several other European powers. He was elected to the Continental Congress in 1775, where he played a crucial role in the rebellion against Gr. Britain, including service to Jefferson in editing the Declaration of Independence. Franklin, who was by this time independently wealthy and retired from publishing, continued to serve an important role in government both local and national. He was the United States first Postmaster General, Minister to the French Court, Treaty agent and signer to the peace with Gr. Britain, Celebrated Member of the Constitutional convention (See Work, above). Benjamin Franklin: Businessman, Writer, Publisher, Scientist, Diplomat, Legislator, and Social activist, was one of the earliest and strongest advocates for the abolition of Slavery, and for the protection of the rights of American aboriginal peoples. He died on the 17th of April in 1790. On that day he was still one of the most celebrated characters in America. So should he always be.

Benjamin Franklin´ Sayings

"When the well's dry, we know the worth of water."
"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
"Diligence is the Mother of Good Luck."
"Hunger never saw bad bread."
Beware of the young doctor and the old barber."
"Let thy child’s first lesson be obedience
And the second may be what thou wilt."

Só um comentário: eu acho que ela tinha o dever de acertar o nome de onde ela ensina. G__G

quarta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2010

O livro de SIC

Rediscutindo a Mistiçagem no Brasil - identidade nacional versus identidade negra.
De Kabengele Munanga, da Editora Vozes.

Segundo o que foi passado pela professora Maria Margarida mais para frente vai rolar um projeto sobre o tema e uma palestra do autor do livro da GV. E exclusivamente na matéria dela, um trabalho cientifico.
A gente tem pouco mais de um mês para ler, até o dia 22/09
Aaaah, e não se esqueçam que quer comprar o livro e levá-lo no dia da palestra pode ter o seu livro autografado pelo autor. ;D

Caso mais alguém tenha entrado no blog esses dias e visto ou clicado no link que havia nesses mesmo post só que mais acima, um aviso, graças a minha falta de atenção, não percebi que a editora do livro no link não era a mesma pedida pela professora Maria Margarida, mas o Victor me avisor do erro, então, venho aqui arrumar.

segunda-feira, 2 de agosto de 2010

Reposições e Prova

Bom, povo, já tem reposição marcada, e bem marcada eu diria. Para não esquecer aqui vai um lembrete:

---> Biologia
Dias: 4/8; 9/8; 25/8; 27/8; 3/9; 8/9; 10/9; 29/9; 1/10; 13/10; 27/10; 29/10, sempre sexta aula
Lembrando que tem algumas folhinhas na xerox, umas de exercícios para serem entregues à professora e outras de um jogo que será feito em classe, portanto, montem os grupos, comprem as folhas, e montem. Além de fazerem os exercicios, claro.
E... a prof já marcou a data de todas as PROVAS desse semestre:
P(1) 27/08
P(2) 24/09
P(3) 22/10
P(4) 19/11

---> Inglês
Dia: 07/08 ( sábado ); das 9h às 14h
Aah, eu entrei no blog da professora Viviane mãaas não achei o tal "segundo painel" que ela citou em sala para que procurássemos as atividades no blog. É só clicar no nome da prof que você vai direto para a página do blog e quem sabe tenham mais sucesso que eu.